Due to the influx of complaints on behalf of "P" I now realize that "P" is a VIP and has been officially invited to accompany the MoB on mancation. I publicly apologize for my error and any discourtesy that accompanied my rejection. Heretofore, you have been added as an author to this blog and upon your acceptance of that authorship invite you shall be granted full permissions to said blog.
Please find it in your heart to forgive a foolish old man.
Please find it in your heart to forgive a foolish old man.
Thank you for the opportunity to have you accompany us on our epic journey.
While we appreciate your enthusiasm you have shown to join us in the pilgrimage to our holy land. We sincerely regret to inform you that, at this time, no new applications are being accepted. Your information, however, will be kept on file. In the event that an appropriate opening becomes available, we will not hesitate to promptly contact you.
We appreciate the time you invested into contacting us. You have our best wishes for success in joining another adventurous group of drunken mountain bikers on a trip to Utah.
Very truly yours,
MOABorBusts applications department
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