Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 12th of July

AKA, "Drop dead date to buy tickets".

I checked midwest, not looking good:

Pittsburgh PA (PIT) - Milwaukee WI (MKE) - Denver CO (DEN)-
Departs: Saturday, September 11 2010, 10:14 AM Arrives 10:45 AM

Denver CO (DEN) - Milwaukee WI (MKE) - Pittsburgh PA (PIT)
Departs: Sunday, September 19 2010, 1:10 PM Arrives: 06:25 PM.

3 Passenger. -

Total: USD 1,472.43 (Only 4 seats at this price at press time)

Not bad flights, but at almost $500 methinks southwest is a better deal, even if we have to pay for oversized bike boxes.
But I'm down with whatever our "agent" has in mind.

Southwest has several comparable flights to choose from for about $1k.

And Quantas.


Yes, Quantas never crashed.

Now would be the time, Chris...

1 comment:

  1. Just got done w/ a 2.5hr computer "upgrade" at work. Now internet explorer crashes on 90% of the websites I try to get on.

    I feel helpless and lost, prepare to enter fetal position....

    I guess that midwest flight I posted earlier has filled up. Hmmmmm......
